Sunday, June 17, 2018

Sunday's Hummers

I think some of the hummers have fledged - I am seeing many more birds.

Here's a young female Rufous.

And here's an adult female Rufous.

My male Rufous is watching over all these new birds.

It's pretty much a full-time position.

Gorgeous in the sun.

I have several salvias in bloom - notice the yellow pollen on this Anna's bill. 

She is eating at my feeders and also enjoying nectar from flowers. 

We have quite the hummingbird banquet available now.


  1. Great shots, Beth especially the ones catching the pollen on the bill. We have noticed an increase in our hummingbird numbers.

  2. Oh my but you do get some wonderful photos of those flying little hummers--love the pollen on his beak--how cute it that--
    enjoy, di

  3. They are all wonderful but the colors on the male rufous are beautiful!

  4. How wonderful! The young female Rufous is adorable. Thank you for sharing!

  5. I love the picture with the pollen on the bill... that was so cool! But of course, they are all wonderful. You captured the Rufous colors so well. And you have babies visiting!! Wow!


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