Monday, June 18, 2018

Woodpeckers Here...

22 of the 26 letters stitched.  Now on to some of the many small motifs.

I want to blog about my woodpecker birding trip in Sisters, Oregon, but first I thought I'd give a shout out to my backyard woodpeckers.

I am enjoying having Downy Woodpeckers once again.

They are feeding babies I think.

I watched this female come to the suet feeder several times and fly away - always in the same direction - with suet.

Here's the Downy male.

Lots of activity on the Hairy Woodpecker front.
An adult female... 

...and an adult male.
Note the red on the back of his head. 

The Hairy Woodpeckers have fledged!
This is a young bird.

Here's a young male...

...note the red on top of his head.

Here a young male begs, hoping the female will feed him.

The Flickers are also out and about.

I haven't seen any easily to ID young birds.

My Acorn Woodpeckers are horribly under-represented with only one photo.

The thrill this past week was a young male Pileated Woodpecker.

He flew in at 6:00am so the light is poor.
Are you impressed that I'm up and outside by 6:00am? It was worth it.

I only wish I'd been able to get photos with more detail.

This was the best I could do.

Part of the entertainment was listening to the bird call out.

He showed up briefly the next day.


  1. Love the color threads in your stitch; they are nice and bright. What a wonderful variety of woodpecker pictures!

  2. Oh how cool to see a baby woodpecker like that--and love all the woodpecker photos and different kinds of them--missing taking photos of woodpeckers--now with the dock being closed all these months!!
    enjoy, di

  3. That's really a cute and colorful stitch. I'll be curious about the birds in Eastern Oregon.

  4. I think you have put these up to make me jealous - and its worked! What great birds!

    Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

  5. Yes!! YOUR juvenile Hairy pictures match MINE (tho mine are not as good)! So I HAVE finally seen a Hairy Woodpecker! Woohoo! I bet you were so excited to see the Pileated! I have seen them a lot out here, tho certainly not in my yard! Once, while driving slowly thru a local state park, looking on the left for the Red-headed woodpecker in the dead trees...we were startled by a pair of Pileateds right beside us on the right!! Of course I was not ready for that and got no pictures, but it was exciting nonetheless! Thanks for sharing, as always!


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