Saturday, June 16, 2018

Saturday's Critters

Ah, breakfast on a sunny Saturday morning!

Looking a little anxious.

The bunnies are out and about.
In the shade...

...and in the sunshine.

Scratching an itch.

Bad, bad bunny!  Ms McGregor will not be pleased! 

Still no fawns...


  1. Beth, I have called this year the year of the chipmunk and rabbit!! We have an unusual amount this year. I have a set of twin fawns that elusive, trying to get a photo of them. Your photos are great, is this your new camera you are using?

  2. Oh I truly enjoyed this post. Those bunny teeth!

  3. Saturday's critters make me smile. I bet that doe wishes the babe will arrive. We have at least 1 set of twins, but they stay along the tree line so hard to see them. Enjoy your Saturday, Beth!

  4. Such cute critters. I just got home from your lovely state. We took a few days and went to Hood River. I thought the Fruit Loop was beautiful. I would love to go back in the Fall. We both live in such an amazing part of the world!!

  5. Such cute critters. Loved them all.

  6. Awwww... so cute! Little tiny Chipmunks and baby Bunnies... who can resist? And the poor mama-to-be deer... Soon! Hugs!

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