Monday, June 11, 2018

Monday's Flash Back

Remember that I referenced Bright Birds a couple of day's ago?  That got me thinking about this sampler is called "Brite Birds", a freebie issued in 1998 from Barrick Samplers. I stitched the piece of 32 count raw Belfast linen. I began on the 12th and finished it up this morning. I used the DMC colors as listed. I changed the date to 2009 and high-lighted my name: b,e,h,t (Beth) in Topaz rather than the black as charted.

I want to highlight the woodpeckers that I've had around the house this past week.

I got up extra-early one morning and my reward was this female Downy.

I haven't seen a Downy for several weeks, so it was a pleasant surprise.

My Hairy Woodpeckers continue to be reliable.

 I see females...

...and males.

The Acorn Woodpeckers are having to fight of Starlings at the peanut and suet feeders.  I had as many as 20 Starlings milling about.

The Flickers will battle anyone - including Flickers!


  1. Beth, your 'Brite Bird' finish is lovely. I like the way your did your name within the alphabet. Great woodpecker shots!

  2. What a cute, cute sampler Beth! :D

  3. Such a fun finish, Beth! Lovely color choices and so nice to highlight your name :)

    Love seeing your woodpeckers--I was beyond excited to see a huge pileated woodpecker at our suet feeder yesterday :)

  4. You have quite a few woodpeckers. I have a couple around here. Love your stitching.hugs

  5. What a cute design. I do love the way you highlighted your name! What a nice group of woodpeckers!!!

  6. What wonderful birds woodpeckers are - I'd love to have them in my garden.

    Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

  7. Love the Brite Birds sampler... I have that in my stash too, and now I am inspired to stitch it! Yup--doing that today! Should go quickly! Love the woodpecker shots! You get such a great variety every year! Hugs!


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