Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Feeling Rushed and Behind

Not much stitching!

I took this on a road trip to Bend and Sisters in Central Oregon, but my hours were spent birding rather than stitching.

My Mom and I left for Bend, Oregon on Saturday after I finished work. We spent Saturday from 6:30am until 4:00pm with a guide and 10 other birders looking at woodpeckers and other cavity nesting birds in the Sisters' area.  We spent Sunday night in Bend, and on Monday took a four mile walk bird watching in Shevlin Park in Bend and playing tourist before arriving back home at 6:00pm.

So I do want to present all the woodpeckers and new birds and will do so later this week.  For now, here are some of the birds I saw which also frequent my backyard.

Red-wing Blackbird

Tree Swallow

Brown-headed Cowbird


White-breasted Nuthatch

Downy Woodpecker

Black-headed Grosbeak 


  1. What a wonderful outing you had, Beth! It sounds like a most enjoyable time.

  2. Wow! You packed a LOT into your trip with your Mom! Can't wait to get to THAT post! Meanwhile, the birds at home are still wonderful! IF I had to pick a fave, the Junco wins because it is so vividly different than what we see out here! Beautiful! All! :)


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.