Sunday, June 10, 2018

Mixing It Up

I do not have many hummer photos this week, so they'll be joined by more critters.

I only managed one small photo series this week. 

A female Anna's Hummingbird.

The good news is that there are more hummers including a male Anna's, and a male and female Rufous.

On to the critters beginning with a chipmunk.

Followed by a baby bunny.

Suddenly there are bunnies everywhere.

And another one.

See what I mean?

I think she's at the stage where she'd just like to give birth and be done with it! 


  1. We have noticed an increase of hummers at our feeders over the few days. Yay! I always enjoy seeing your hummers and critters, Beth. That doe looks like she could pop any minutes. Enjoy your Sunday!

  2. Love this selection of photos especially the chipmunk :-) Have a good week Diane

  3. I am still waiting to see my first hummer here at home... I think even sitting outside and waiting for hours will not produce one... Hardly anyone is seeing them around here this year, so far. Sigh...So, still living vicariously through your photos, be it three or twenty-three! Bring them on!


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