Thursday, February 22, 2018

Thursday's Plans

I have the last two home basketball games this week - Thursday and Saturday - both are late with 8:15pm and 8:30pm starts.  I think this is what I'll be working on before the game, during timeouts, and halftime. But first I'll need a nap!

I took my 'good' camera out on a walk on Sunday during heavy wet snow showers and now it will not turn on!  Arghhh! So I'm using my back-up camera which does not have nearly the zoom capabilities as you can see. 

The photos I do take are a bit blurry, so I don't have many to share. 
I have a 3 year warranty for the 'good' camera, I just need to call and see where I should ship the camera.  In other camera news, we ended up buying a refurbished Bushnell trail camera to replace the one that died at the start of February. The 'new' camera arrived yesterday, so we will be able to test it for a few days this month.


  1. I hope your camera is repairable under the warranty. Looking forward to more trail photos and love your new stitch!! Trying to get up the nerve to stitch on a darker color, I love how it looks.

  2. Fingers crossed your camera gets repaired quickly and easily. Such a bummer! Enjoy the new stitch!

  3. Have fun at the games Beth. I hope the dark fabric is not a problem at the night games?

  4. Sorry about the camera; hope it is an easy fix! I look forward to seeing what appears through the trail camera's lens next week. Have fun stitching on the chalk piece!

  5. Fingers crossed for your camera Beth. Is it light enough at the games to see your stitch. Our's is way too dark...not to mention I would have to put my double reading glasses on to see! Plus we have to go through metal detectors and they won't let us bring ANYTHING in. We do sneak tootsie roll pops in. Either the people next to us or we bring them. If there is a chief on one of the wrappers it is supposed to be good luck! Love that bird with the dotted feathers...what kind is he? RJ

  6. Enjoy the games Beth!! We had snow days all over the area today. Tonight it will again be in the low 20's!! Everything is frozen.


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