Friday, February 23, 2018

Friday's Progress

This is a terrible photo of a really colorful stitch.  I'm just loving this - it's like stitching with a new box of Crayola crayons!

I'm getting up early enough to say hello to the Robins.  I think they roost in the trees near the house, then gather together before taking off for the day.

If I can't have Bushtits at the feeder, I'll take a Chestnut-backed Chickadee any day. 

These birds are darned cute and impatiently awaited me filling up the feeders.


  1. Love that sweet chickadee!! The stitch oozes charm!!! Spring must be close, I saw my first robin yesterday!

  2. adoro il pettirosso. Bellissimo il tuo ricamo

  3. Your snowman stitch is a cutie; you don't have much more to go on him. What a cute little chickadee!

  4. That project is so colorful... just what's needed at the end of winter...maybe?) We have had Robins and Cedar Waxwings around of late. Love seeing them, and hearing the Robins in the evening, saying Good Night I guess! Hugs!

  5. Love this stitch Beth...cute and colorful!!! Oh yes what a pretty Robin to greet you. RJ@stitchingfriendsforever

  6. That stitch has great colors. I love your photo of the chickadee!


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