Tuesday, February 20, 2018

One Day at a Time

Design - "February Stamp"
Designer - Lizzie Kate
Fabric - 28 count Light Mocha linen
Fibers - WDW - 2 strands over 2 threads
Started - 13 February 2018
Completed - 15 February 2018

Love the colors in "February Stamp" - a fun and fast stitch.

The Great Backyard Bird Count ended yesterday, but I have yet to submit and tally my observation sheets.  I'll have a blog report later in the week (I hope).

By far the most numerous bird this year - Robins.
One morning I counted well over 100 birds.

I can tell you that this year I had several Pine Siskins...

...and a few House Finches. They are prone to eye infections, and I think this male is suffering from one.

I had a couple of Flickers at the feeders.

Each time this female attempted to eat at the suet feeder, a male flew in a drove her off. 

I did see all three of my Acorn Woodpeckers during the count.

The star of the count has to be my Yellow-rumped Warbler.


  1. Yay, I am glad Mr. Yellow Butt made an appearance. I was keeping my fingers crossed. Sweet Heart finish, Beth!

  2. Your February stamp finish is so sweet!

  3. Beth I love your February stamp finish. I'm also glad that Mr. Yellow Butt came for a visit. All of your photos are wonderful of all the pretty birds. RJ

  4. A darling LK finish, Beth! And so many wonderful bird photos. Do the eye infections on birds clear up on their own? Poor thing!

  5. Will be looking for you bird count wrap up post. Hope you enjoyed what I guess would be "extra" watching!

  6. What a cute February design! I look forward to seeing your final count!

  7. I think I stitched that February stamp... but darned if I remember what I did with it! It's very cute! I look forward to reading about your GBC count for this year.


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.