Friday, February 2, 2018

58 degrees - April in February

Design - "It Is Snowing Somewhere"
Designer - Barbara Ana Designs
Fabric - 28 count Light Blue Jobelan
Fibers - Aanchor & DMC - 2 strands over 2 threads
Started - 16 January 2018
Completed - 26 January 2018

This looks brighter than the scan shows. Lots of fun variegated floss and a bright, almost periwinkle fabric.  If I can't have snow, at least I can stitch it! Our ten day forecast is for mid-60's - this is like April, not February!

He's back!

After being AWOL from Monday afternoon, my Yellow-rumped Warbler showed up again Wednesday afternoon.

I'm so pleased that he has returned.

Pretty little Golden-crowned Sparrow.

This poor little Junco slammed into our nook window, perched on a wire for a moment and crashed to the ground stunned.  I honestly thought he was toast, but after 20 minutes he perked up and finally flew off.   

On Wednesday it was nice to see all three Acorn Woodpeckers at the same time.

Female on the left, male on the right.

They are such great birds!


  1. What a cute little finish! It will be snowing here this weekend.

  2. Your snow piece is super. I really like the variegated threads used in it. Such weird weather we are having! Enjoy your Friday, Beth!

  3. I really like the brightly colored snowman stitch! So sweet!
    We are truly having strange weather this winter! I just go with it and let myself be surprised each day!
    I love those sweet woodpeckers!

  4. Love that cross stitch-how pretty--
    glad you birdie came back--I was afraid the hawk might have had him for lunch the other day--
    enjoy, di

  5. So glad the warbler is back. I always feel so bad when they hit a window. I am glad it flew away!!

  6. What a sweet stitch! I love the colours in the lettering. Perfect for February with Valentine's Day!


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