Saturday, February 3, 2018

January's Trail Camera - The Big Creek - Camera #1

January was a quiet month down at Dorothy's Creek. 

Not very many photos and 98% of those were of deer.

Groups of two and three were common.

Three of them.

The the seasonal creeks running full and fast, our 5 gallons of water is not the draw it is in mid-summer.  

Here's our 2% - an opossum.

The camera's batteries were low, so we changed them only to find the camera had died.  So now the question is whether to send it in to be repaired or buy another one.  Either way, we'll be without a camera at this locations for a few days.


  1. Sorry about the camera dying; hopefully you will be up and running soon. Good looking deer!

  2. So sorry about your camera Beth. That is always a hard one to answer whether to get something fixed or buy a new one. The deer are so pretty!!! RJ

  3. I hope your camera problem has an easy fix. I really enjoy seeing the trail cameras!


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