Thursday, February 1, 2018

February's Blog Header Revealed

Garden Grumbles and Cross Stitch Fumbles February 2018 Blog Header

Row #1: Ewe & Eye & Friends, "Sweet Exemplary"; Sam Sarah, "Baubles - February"; Sam Sarah, "Baubles - H is for Heart".

Row #2: Heart in Hand, "2008 Collector's Heart"; Hands on Design, "Love"; Fanci That, "I Love You"

Row #3: Fanci That, "Chocolate Heart"; Brightneedle, "Twin Hearts Sampler". 

Row #4: The Little Stitcher, "Give Love";  The Twisted Thread, "Gingham Hearts"

The Great Backyard Bird Count runs from February 16th through February 19th this year.  It is a worldwide bird count - anyone can participate.  Just sign up and spend 15 minutes observing the birds in your backyard or at your local park.  There are lists of probable birds based on your location and an app for your phone. For more information click on Backyard Bird Count.  It's good fun!


  1. Always love to see what your blog header will be for the month!

  2. Beth, I always enjoy seeing what you put together for the new blog header of the month. I recognize many in this one.

  3. I always love your blog headers! Such beautiful selections and stitching!
    I will have to participate in the bird count this year!!

  4. Goodness I love that Chocolate Heart!!

  5. I love all those lovely February hearts!!

  6. Sweet! Love your headers! Am loving the Baubles- February + I love you (sheep). I love sheep! The hummer is beyond cute!💕💕💕👏👏

  7. I love your blog headers too. Cute piece.

  8. Another great header. My favourite this month is th Little Stitcher one

  9. All so sweet, but I like the little sheep the best!


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.