Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Cold Chilly Frosty Nights

This is going to be my Big Project for January.  Truly I should have stitched this a year ago when we had cold temperatures and snow on the ground.  This January has been very mild. Oh well, maybe this stitch will put out a call for snow.

Knock on wood, my Yellow-rumped Warbler has shown up to eat bark butter every day since the first of the year.

I've never had a 'reliable' warbler before.

The bird comes in the early morning...

...and then returns around 1:30-2pm in the afternoon.

It chatters to let me know it is around...

...so I smear a second helping of bark butter on a couple of the deer fence posts.  

It hops right on over...

...looks to the left...

...and then the right...

...and eats.  
This bark butter has bits of fruit and insects, there is also 'plain' bark butter at WBU stores.

Hey there birdie!

You've made my January backyard birding extra special!


  1. I look forward to seeing your January project take shape, Beth. Happy to hear the Mr. "yellow butt" keeps returning.

  2. Your stitching project is a pretty one....look forward to seeing your progress. Love your warbler such a cute little guy I get these in the spring in MN but just for a short time..enjoy!

  3. Fun stitching project!
    I just love the "portrait" of the warbler--the next to last photo! He looks like he's posing for you! What a funny expression! His colors are lovely

  4. That is such a pretty bird! I look forward to watching your progress on that project. Our Jan. has been mild too. I'm still waiting for my Yuletide Camellia to bloom.

  5. The warbler is a wonderful treat and butter butt is enjoying his butter!! Is bark butter the same thing as suet?

  6. What a sweet warbler you have here. I love that he is enjoying his treat. RJ


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