Monday, January 8, 2018

Sneaking In One More Holiday Stitch

I began stitching Heart in Hand's "Wee Santa 2016" on December 31st, so it is officially my last stitch of 2017.  And it is also my first stitch of 2018.  I decided that since Santa is surrounded by birds, I just had to stitch it.

My Warbler Trap worked!

On Wednesday morning I decided to spread some Bark Butter (a spreadable suet sold at WBU stores) on one of the posts that make up our deer fence.

Sure enough, Wednesday afternoon while Parvati and I were outside enjoying the January sunshine, the Yellow-rumped Warbler came by.

With one foot wrapped around the metal clasp, and the other foot on the post, the bird stayed to eat several bites of bark butter.

According to data collected by WBU, over 143 species of birds eat bark butter.

I was especially thrilled to see the bird for the third day in a row!

I'm hoping that he might be a precursor to my finally seeing a Townsend's Warbler as a backyard bird. Or ever for that matter!

If you look closely you can see the littlest bit of yellow on the rump.

He is a handsome little bird and provides a small splash of color dull gray days. 

I wonder how long he will hang around.  Does he have any friends?

Here's a photo of a Townsend's Warbler that a friend sent me - she lives about 2 miles away, so there is hope. 


  1. What a cute little Santa, Beth--I really wish I had purchased more of those HIH Wee Santas through the years...

    Wishing you luck in attracting the Townsend's Warbler to your yard :)

  2. Do Townsend's Warblers like bark butter? I haven't heard of bark butter before, so I am going to look it up. Nice looking Santa you are working on, Beth!

  3. I have not heard of bark butter, very interesting. I do love that little Santa. With the birds, he is the perfect design for you!

  4. This answered my ? in my last comment....I have to get to a WBU store soon...I need different feeds I think to attract more variety. Though I know no warblers are around here now. Love your new stitch

  5. Such a cute new stitch. Have fun! RJ


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