Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Walking Around a Nursery

I know that many of you have looked out on a white, frozen world the past few days.  I thought that I'd share some of the color I found walking around a local nursery a few days ago.

It was a very mild day and the bees were out and about working the camellia blossoms. 

The nursery had a hummingbird keeper up, but these were the only birds I saw.

Lewisia in bloom.

I wanted so badly to buy the red crates, and the purple crates, and... all of the colored crates. I have no idea what I'd do with them, but they were a loud chorus calling my name, "Oh Beth!" they said. "You need us!"  

A large selection of blue glazed pottery made for a pop of color.

I'm a traditionalist and also like terracotta pots.

These would go nicely with the color of our house.

Something blooming in the nursery's back lot.

Another camellia.


And another camellia.

Inside the nursery has a large selection of house plants...

...including orchids...

...and African violets.

Have you ever wanted to create a fairy garden?
This looks like most everything you'd need. 

Hangers made out of old trowels and spades.

I think the Star of the Show was this totally outrageous bromeliad!


  1. Thank you ...Thank you!! Just what was needed..perfect 🌺🌷🌸 I’m sorry to say we only have nurseries open in spring & summer here so miss having one open year round ♥️

  2. Lots of cheerful color to enjoy after seeing nothing but white here! Thanks for the tour!

  3. What a great nursery. You are tempting me to go visit the one close to us. I love seeing the camellias this time of year!

  4. Lovely visit to the nursery! RJ


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