Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Wednesday Wrap Up

Normally I share a weekly walk on Wednesday, but this Wednesday was 
Cousin Time!

All five of my family's maternal Girl Cousins were together for the first time since July.  That was reason to celebrate, and talk and talk and talk for most of the day.  We are bookended by the two of the next generation of Girl Cousins. The young woman on the left is wearing her mother's skirt from The Limited.  How many of you shopped there back in the day?   

Carol asked how many decorated trees we had.  
We ended up with 2 large trees and 21 small trees for a total of 23.
Next year we need one more so we have an even two dozen.

On Christmas Day my nephews know the drill - here's their annual photo in front of the tree. 

We did not open our gifts until the evening of the 26th.  Parvati helped the best she could until it become exhausting.  

Sarah had several questions about the bobcat which I will attempt to answer.  Bobcats are about twice the size of a domestic cat, with the males generally larger than females. Bobcats are active for periods of four to eight hours and then inactive for one to eight hours. They favor rabbits, but will eat any small mammal, fish, reptile, or bird.  At 16-30 pounds and 36 inches long, they are much smaller than a cougar, and are not a threat to humans.  A cougar is know by many different names including mountain lion. Cougars are between 6-8 feet in length (including their tail) and weight between 140-200 lbs.


  1. How great that all the girl cousins got together. Great pictures!

  2. What a beautiful family! You're blessed! Thanks for sharing your holiday pics

  3. How nice that all the girl cousins were able to visit!

  4. Super great photo of all of your cousins Beth. It looks like you had a fabulous holiday. Now that is alot of trees but it is wonderful and I truly enjoyed seeing all of them. Great job decorating them all. RJ

  5. Forgot to answer you question...I shopped at the Limited all the time while we lived in California and I taught school. I bought a lot of pretty dresses from that store. RJ

  6. Such wonderful photos you have now. Yes, I shopped there as a young lady. ;)

  7. Never shopped at the Limited but I do like her plaid skirt a lot!! Great family photo, which one is you? Wow, I have trouble getting one tree decorated, 24??? I'm impressed!

  8. Oh, my! 23 trees--and each one so different and beautiful, Beth! Love the family photo of all the girl cousins :)

    Even though Bobcats may not be a threat to humans I would still be afraid to run into one :)

  9. Such a sweet family photo! And the two nephews, too!
    I love the tuckered-out kitty photo! I know how she feels!!!
    I just love the little trees on the buffet! I remember those from previous years! They look like a forest! I had no idea you had 24 trees! I thought I had a lot!! But isn't it fun to enjoy them!?


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.