Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Reindeer and Christmas Cats

I haven't had much spare time, but I have managed to do a bit of stitching on my reindeer.  I think I can finish him up before year's end.

I titled this post "Reindeer and Christmas Cats". You've seen the reindeer, now on to the cats...

Parvati loves hiding / sleeping under our Christmas tree.
She certainly has all the qualities necessary to be a Christmas Cat. 

But sometimes, all you have to do is show up on Christmas Day (1:45pm) and then you become a Christmas Cat!

I was outside with Parvati watching the birds when this bobcat strolled out of the brush and sat down - confident as can be. I slowly rose out of my chair, opened the kitchen door, and hoarsely whispered, "There's a bobcat out here!  Get my camera!"  

My sister got my camera and I managed a few clicks for the two minutes the cats surveyed the backyard. 

Yes, the cat is staring right at me!

The photos do not show how well the bobcats blends into the dried grasses.

You had to know the cat was there to see him...

...and then he moved off behind the garages.

And the rest of the afternoon and evening belonged, once again, to Parvati.  The Christmas meal and gift giving proved to be exhausting!


  1. Your reindeer stitch is so cute. That bobcat is amazing. Especially in it's boldness.

  2. Your reindeer is looking quite handsome. What impressive photos of the bobcat, Beth! Very regal looking! I'm with Parvati about being tuckered out.

  3. Amazing photos of the bobcat! Stunning! Beautiful!

  4. What incredible pictures of the Christmas Bobcat!

    Parvati looks just right under the tree - isn't that where cats belong? :)

  5. Oh I love your new stitch Beth. Is that a cardinal I see sitting on the deer's back? The photos of the bobcat are striking. The stripes are so dominant. I'm with Parvati....I'm very tuckered out!!! RJ

  6. I am glad that Christmas Bobcat just sits there and stares---
    and it sure looks like he is smiling at you with his markings--how cool--
    and I am exhausted too, so you have some company!!!
    enjoy the moments, di

  7. Beautiful stitching Beth!
    And wowie zowie to the bobcat photos-an unexpected and wonderful gift!
    Parvati has the right idea.... 40 winks on a holiday is most welcome!

  8. Love you reindeer and the Christmas Bobcat. What a beautiful animal. Wonder if he was hoping for a handout. Are bobcats a threat to humans like mountain lions can be. I’m trying to figure out how big he was I imagine larger than Parvati but smaller than a mountain lion. Also is a bobcat the same as a cougar?

  9. WOW! Now I love my indoor cats, but that outdoor one is something special. Very jealous.

    Cheers (and hope you had a good Christmas) - Stewart M - Melbourne

  10. Beth, The photos of the bobcat are amazing!!! I can see how he blends in so perfectly with the background and unless he moved he would be easy to miss. I would love to see a bobcat!! I love how cats find the most comfortable places to sleep...such a pretty shot of Pavarti under the tree. What pattern is the reindeer?

  11. Those photos of the bobcat are amazing. I would much rather be Parvati!!

  12. I just love the photo of Parvati under the tree--beautiful :) And what gorgeous markings on that Bobcat!

  13. The bobcat is beautiful, even if he's a little scary when you think of the other creatures around!
    I love the photo of Parvati under the tree!! SO CUTE! Omar gets under my tree often and then looks out at everyone! He loves it under there!
    The reindeer stitch is so cute!

  14. Wow! That is really close for the Bobcat to come! Great pictures!


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