Thursday, December 28, 2017

Stitching an Iceberg

Stitching an iceberg!  That's what is feels like anyway as I work away on this Santa.  There is just so much white to stitch.  Make sure you have a full skein of WDW "Whitewash" before beginning this design.

My California Quail enjoyed a rare sunny winter's day.

The group comprised more than 40 birds.

Most mornings they preen for a while before coming to the feeders to eat the seeds I have thrown on the ground for them (if the deer don't get to the seeds first).

Right now there is no aggression between male birds. 

Come mid-March they'll begin to pair up and become more territorial.


  1. Iceberg Santa is looking good. The quail group is looking good.

  2. Sometimes you don't want to concentrate and big fills are good for those times, but other than that it's so boring!! He is looking good and so are those puffy quails.

  3. You may be stitching an iceberg, but it looks like you have the underwater portion completed!

  4. Beth I love how this Santa all in white pops against the red linen. It does get old stitching with the same color for long periods but it makes a really pretty statement. RJ

  5. Santa is going to be a wonderful piece but I know what you mean about the iceberg. White is never my favorite color to stitch with.

  6. That red linen is such a pretty color! And the white looks great on it. But I've found that white is my least favorite color to stitch with!
    Love the plump quail!

  7. That Santa is going to be fabulous, but I feel your pain. I'm stitching a big polar bear right now! White...there is no joy in stitching white.

  8. White stitching is NOT my fave! I did one piece and just disliked the white parts soooo much! I have to stagger winter piece stitching throughout the year, so I can get through it...cause I do like the final result! Your Santa will be delightful! Great shot of the cousins!


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