Monday, December 25, 2017

Christmas Day 1937


Let's take a look back at Christmas Day 80 years ago.

This is my maternal Grandmother's place card for Christmas dinner 1937.

She and my Grandfather were married in June 1936 and lived with my Grandfather's parents for several months after their wedding.  1937 would have been the first year my Grandmother was able to host the festive meal in her own home.   

My Grandmother was the oldest of three daughters - Margaret, V'Ona, and Ellen.  My Grandmother is on the left - you can see just how much their father, Otto Upton, adored his girls. This photo is from about 1930.

My Grandmother, her two sisters, her mother, and her aunt took a road trip from Oregon to Pennsylvania / New York to visit Upton family members. Think what the conditions of the roads were like in 1937.  Then give my Grandmother a salute as she did ALL the driving there and back again.
Here's Margaret and Ellen atop the McKenzie Pass August 1937 as the journey back east began.

And here is V'Ona also in August 1937.

 While I do not have a photo of Margaret's parents, Otto and Elsie Upton, from 1937; I do have this photo taken at the Oregon Coast around 1945. 

I'm not sure who wrote out the place cards or truly, where the meal was held.
But here's my theory: Margaret's youngest sister wrote the names on the place cards - it looks like her handwriting I think.  The meal was held at my Grandmother and Grandfather's home because these place cards were among the family memorabilia that Margaret saved. 

 Here's by far the coolest thing. All six family members signed the back of the place card with my Great-grandmother Elsie Upton, an extremely kind woman, taking the time to note a "good time was had by all".

I hope that 80 years later where ever you are, and how ever you are celebrating, that a good time will be had by all.

Merry Christmas!


  1. Merry Christmas to you and your family! 🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄

  2. This was a very nice post Beth. Merry Christmas my friend!

  3. love it when you share your history and love that you have the memorbilia!

  4. Oh I love hearing abit of your family history. I have such loving memories of my Grandpa and Grandpa too. I think of them often. Thank you for sharing. We are having a wonderful day here. RJ

  5. What wonderful photos! We have a collection much like that. I love the card saying A Merry Christmas was had by all. We had a very nice day with our sweet daughter. I hope your day was as good as the one long ago.

  6. What great family memorabilia you have!! YOur grandmother was amazing to do all that driving so many years ago!! What was the top speed of a car at that time? 30mph or so ? What a trip!!! Such great family photos, I hope you had a wonderful Christmas....Mary

  7. Just thinking about driving across country at that time... NOT many great highways yet. Cars were not perfected yet. Was gasoline even readily available? That was quite a trip, for sure!


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