Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Wednesday's Walk

November's weather has been unsettled - some days are gray and rainy...

...others are cool, but sunny.  Let's take a chance and go outside.

Look up - look up high! A great branch for perching.  A couple nights a week, I think a young Great Horned Owl hangs out on this branch.  Why you ask?  Well I hear him screech all night long and...

...he makes is presence known in other ways too!

Little tiny mushrooms...

Still some color in November...


The last good color from a Big Leaf Maple.



Most of the leaves are gone now.

I found this bird skull when I was cleaning up my potting area.  
Maybe a Jay?

My little greenhouse is on its last legs.  The right side has been repaired with plywood.  Sunlight and harsh weather are hard on plastic - it is brittle and the UV protection is gone.  I'll need to replace it come spring.  

But for one last winter it is snug with tender plants.

Right side

Left side.
On cold nights a couple of 100 watt light bulbs keep it heated well above freezing.


  1. What a cute little greenhouse! Sorry it has to be replaced tho... I have been noticing last bits of autumn colors in the plants here and there. But I know they won't last the month... then it will be drab for a bit. As long as the sun keeps making an appearance, I am good! Hugs!

  2. So glad you were able to see the change of leaves. We don't get to see that in Florida and I always enjoy them through others photos. That is a sweet greenhouse. You must hate to replace it. RJ@stitchingfriendsforever

  3. Love your finishes from your other posts. Especially the owl. Which is appropriate with your owl around. Hope the green house lasts through this season. Beautiful colors out there!

  4. I loved seeing the last bits of Fall color. We have been very stormy and rainy. We can't even find enough dry time to get the leaves raked up!

  5. I find it hard to remember what it's like to have nights below freezing! Very rare event in this part of Melbourne. I think I may have to head for the mountains a little more next winter!

    Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

  6. That's a neat greenhouse, you are quite an avid gardener too!
    I have taken dozens of mushroom photos this fall, the leaves have been dull but the mushrooms plentiful and so many different interesting varieties. Always something interesting to see on our walks.

  7. That is one messy owl--wow!!

    Do you get sad when winter comes and gardening season ends, Beth? Or do you welcome the chance to sit and plan for next spring? At least you have the little greenhouse to help you do a bit of gardening!


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