Thursday, November 16, 2017


"Hey There Pumpkin" is stitching up much more quickly than I thought it might.  I anticipate having a finish or two to share next week.   

What's a cat to do on a cold, rainy day?  Seek shelter in a protected nook atop the drier vent!  Cats = Comfort!

The number of kinds of birds diminishes in winter weather.  

I think you will suffer through enjoy seeing lots of Pine Siskin photos for the next few months.

They are my Outdoor Christmas Decorations.

Here's a close up.

The Black-capped Chickadees have been reliable too.

And so have the Red-breasted Nuthatches.  
Yesterday I got a very good look at a Golden-crowned Kinglet.  My first confirmed observation for this fall / winter. They flit about and thus are difficult to photograph. I am hoping for more opportunities.   


  1. Hey There Pumpkin looks good. I really like the colors in this one.

  2. Hello! I love reading about your cross stitching and animal watching adventures. I wondered if you have ever done a “big year”. I loved the book “The Big Year” and “Lost among the Birds” and when I read your blog it reminded me of them!
    I noticed that your blog attracts bird too. I’m the second Robin that has visited! ��

  3. Beth the new stitch is adorable. I like this chart very much. Can't wait to see your other finishes. Great bird photos as well. RJ@stitchingfriendsforever

  4. That is such a cute project, Beth--I look forward to seeing it all stitched up. And your outdoor decorations are adorable--that is an especially nice photo of the little chickadee!

  5. Even though there are fewer varieties, the ones you photographed are a few of my favorite types of sweet little birds. Hey pumpkin is wonderful!! I love that linen color. Perfect for the design.

  6. You are no doubt finished with Hey There Pumpkin! by now! I thought it was a fun stitch. The birds we are seeing are changing also... I actually saw an American Goldfinch recently--they are usually gone til Spring now. But your 'regulars' are pretty cool to see. The closeup of the Pine Siskin is outstanding! Thanks for sharing! Hugs!


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.