Monday, November 6, 2017

Plugging Along

Don't give up hope Mary!  I'm still plugging away at my Artful Offerings Owl. Mary at Stitching Friends Forever has been very encouraging. 

I should also mention the DMC website and newsletter.  Kristen, a No-Reply Follower brought it to my attention a few days ago. The site is well worth exploring with free patterns and special offers. The newsletter sign-up is near the bottom of the web page. 

I wonder how many Cooper's Hawks there are?

I see one or two most days.

And oodles of Pine Siskins.

The love the nyger thistle feeder...

...and the feeders with shelled sunflower seeds.
Look at the bird on the left - you can see the yellow stripe on the wings that gives them a small pop of color; less noticeable when the wings are folded.

It's nice to see my small female Downy Woodpecker.

She was waiting for...

...the larger Hairy Woodpecker to leave so that she might have a bite.


  1. That's quite a distinctive yellow flash under the wings Beth. Pretty little birds.

  2. Your owl piece is coming along nicely, Beth! It looks like the birds are keeping busy at your feeders even with the hawk sightings.

  3. Love to pop in here to see all the different birds the other wild animals are also a delight. No taking a walk at night when I can not sleep with the bears and coyote in your area.

  4. That hawk looks like quite the awesome bird!!I might need to do a niger seed feeder this winter. You get great birds with it.

  5. Love your owl stitch Beth. It is coming beautifully. Glad Mary is encouraging you to keep at it as it will be adorable when done. RJ

  6. Beth, I love the owl!! I just put out my birdfeeders as we had snow in the forecast last night, hopefully that sends the bears into hibernation. I hope to recognize some new visitors after seeing all the variety that visits your feeders.

  7. Your owl is looking marvelous! The hawk(s?) looks magnificent, and the siskin in flight ... I feel like I've been let in on a secret, seeing that yellow stripe.

  8. I like your owl project... you are probably finished by now. The flash of yellow on the Pine Siskin reminds me of the flash of yellow on the American Redstart, female and/or juvenile. Haven't seen a male yet! I hope the Cooper's goes away, finds another favorite perching spot! Hugs!

  9. Love that owl! I've probably told you before that the owl is my school mascot. I have an office full of them, so I enjoy seeing your owl stitches.


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