Sunday, November 5, 2017

October's Trail Camera Photos - Camera #1

With shorter days, and longer nights, there is less activity on the trail camera down by Dorothy's Creek.

Steller's Jay



One deer

Three deer

The bear was very active all month long.

Bear fur close up on the right.

Hung around for a while on the 1st.

Back again on the 2nd...

...and the 5th.

Then later in the month...

...and near the end of the month.  I wonder if hibernation will commence soon. 


  1. Great shots! It looks like the bear knows its picture is being taken.

  2. Amazing shots of the bear. You must be hoping for hibernation very soon! My good friend 2 doors down takes her bird feeders in every night. We have thick woods behind our neighborhood.

  3. Super photos Beth. You really got some great shots of that bear! RJ

  4. Ooh lots of bear pics! I wonder when hibernation starts also! Hugs!


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