Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Now I Remember...

Now I remember why I set this stitch aside.  I'd discovered that part of the design was off by one thread and I'd not yet figured out where the errors were.  Well after much counting on dark Gunmetal linen, I ended up frogging out the two white leaves on the left, all of the white leaves below the acorns, and the long Gingerbread colored line.  I got everything restitched correctly and even made a small bit of progress.  This dark linen is easier for me to work on in strong natural light, not in the evening.  So noted!

Part of our morning routine is to patrol, slowly, around the house.   

Parvati is on the look out for quail, chipmunks, and anything else that she might flush out. I follow along to make sure there is no carnage.

I also get an opportunity to watch the front feeders.
Here's a male Hairy Woodpecker.

A male Acorn Woodpecker.

They are back at the peanut feeders again. 

I think they've cached all the available acorns in the area.

A male and female.

Still have not seen more than three birds at a time.

I'll keep watching...

I think the juvenile bird now has pink eyes so I cannot tell him apart from his father.

A male Flicker is another regular at the front feeders.

They use the deer fence as a perch while waiting their turn at the feeders.


  1. I am sorry that you had to reverse stitch, but glad you found the error. It is looking good. Parvati makes me smile with his patrolling of his domain. Enjoy your day!

  2. I have never tried a dark color but some things are easier in the daylight. I have a bit of over one on the design I'm working on. I try to do that during the day!

  3. Hi Beth! I agree working with really good light is necessary when working on dark fabrics. Glad you found your error and are making such good progress. RJ

  4. I have not worked on a dark fabric yet but will do so in daylight when I try. I hate having to frog anything!
    Love Parvati on patrol and that you keep an eye on his hunting instincts? My cat is so big I don't think he could catch anything but I have bells on his collar just in case, thankfully the only gifts he brought to me are tiny mice.

    The flickers I think are my favorite, love their markings.

  5. Bummer about frogging, but at least it was not too much to make you want to throw it out! I am going to do a couple of ornaments on chalkboard colored fabric soon! They are in my lineup! I love the picture of Parvati on patrol! Ha! And so many great pictures of the woodpeckers... :)

  6. What a pretty kitty and wow you have a lot of woodpeckers visiting the feeders, they are cool looking.


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