Wednesday, November 8, 2017

It Is Called Garden Grumbles After All

For a blog called Garden Grumbles and Cross Stitch Fumbles, I've done precious few posts about gardening this year. So here we go.

Some of you may remember we put in a front lawn and deer fence last September.  The design created three new flowerbeds.  My Mom and sister took control of two of them and had them planted by early summer.
The third bed was mine and here's how it looked on October 14th.  Naked!

This gives you an idea of the bed's size. 

On the 15th with the help of my sister and mother, we set out several plants in the arrangement we thought best suited them. 

By November 4th most everything has been planted and well watered in.

The next big project was to get my planted pots on the front porch and back patio winterized.  I moved the hostas from the front to the back where they will be a bit warmer. 

The agaves do not like wet, so they will spent the winter under the eaves.

The agastaches and salvias are tucked in a graveled nook protected on two sides by a brick wall. That project took me from Monday through Friday of last week (with help). 

This is Salvia 'Limelight'.  It is a tender salvia (zone 8) that I managed to over winter last year.  It is only now beginning to bloom so is not suitable for most northern states.  I think it is stunning and worth babying a bit.  

On Saturday I rewarded myself by potting up a little winter color - eight violas.

I also had some ferns and a couple of tender perennials for greenhouse. 

Here are some of the violas on the front porch...

...and here are the others. It will be nice to have some winter color.  Now I have some spring bulbs to set out.


  1. Amazing....just spectacular all the gardens and plants what a passion you all have❤️ Also love all the style & color pots used...Beautiful

  2. Good for you on getting your plants winterized, Beth! The Limelight Salvia has pretty colored blooms.

  3. Beautiful Beth! I love the salvia.... I must look that up and give it a try here in SoCal!

    San Pedro, CA

  4. Nice - we have just installed covered vegetable 'pod' - its raised up like a table, and has a built in water system - the reviews say that they are very good - lets hope so. We lost the last few years vegetables to possums - so this is our response.

    Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

  5. I always look forward to the gardening posts, when the seasons change, and you change your arrangements in pots and plots! Thanks for sharing!

  6. You are an avid gardener to make such an effort overwintering all those plants! I'm impressed with the size of your new bed and look forward to seeing it next spring.

  7. Looks like you have been busy planting. Here we just pull up all the plants as most don't survie the winter except for the Perennials. - I need to get that done but just don't seem to have ambition to do it this year.


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.