Thursday, November 9, 2017

I Built a House

I picked up Lizzie Kate's "Autumn" and stitched away on it yesterday constructing the house.  There's still lots more to stitch on this, including an entire cornfield.

On Monday I got to watch two female Anna's Hummingbirds share a feeder... 

...without fighting!

The females are more pragmatic than the males...

...they've figured out that if they are mellow, then everyone gets to eat.

It was a rainy day which impacts the number of insects available to eat, so the nectar at the feeders becomes an important source of food and energy.

En Garde!

No, we have an Entente Cordiale!

This young Anna's male watched the two females, but did not come to the feeder until they had left.


  1. Stitching is beautiful as are the hummingbirds I could watch them for hours just delightful birds❤️

  2. You have made good progress on the Autumn piece. I really like the house and roof colors. Happy to see the 2 female sharing nicely. Smart young male!

  3. What beautiful bird pics! I've been feeding hummers for years and I've never seen that (although it doesn't mean it hasn't happened) !!

    Love your stitching too!


  4. I have never seen two sharing hummers!!I love that house, especially with an owl in the tree next to the house!

  5. OH this is going to be a great stitch. I love it already. The hummers sharing is special...what great photos! RJ@stitchingfriendsforever

  6. Your so fortunate to have the hummers winter by you, of course the females are more cooperative!
    Autumn house is a lovely stitch too...

  7. Beautiful hummingbirds....and lovely stitching! (Stitching houses is much more satisfying than actually building/remodeling them. Faster and so easy to change them... LOL)

  8. Yes, you DID build a house! Nicely done! Maybe the Hummers realize that you will provide for them all, so they just need to get along...? Thanks for sharing! Hugs!


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