Friday, November 17, 2017

A Field of Corn

Do you craft in public?  I usually take a cross stitch project to University of Oregon men's basketball games.  I have about 20-30 minutes to stitch before the game, several 2 minute time outs during the game, and 15 minutes during halftime.  I often have people come over and ask me what I'm doing - I enjoy the interaction and opportunity to talk about cross stitch.  I worked on the corn field during a couple of games and then finished it up at home.  I think the corn field required about 1200 stitches to complete. 

Besides my small song birds, I do have a few larger winter birds.  

52 California Quail yesterday...

...but the star of the show was this grumpy Steller's Jay.

He was waiting his turn at the feeders...

...and got rather impatient.

Love this look!  


  1. Beth, congratulations on your Autumn finish. It is adorable. I love the expression on the Stellar Jay's face. And yes, I do stitch in public.

  2. This is such a cute little stitch! Yes, I also bring along cross stitch to appointments sometimes. People always, always call it needlepoint. Do you get that too?

  3. I love the shade of blue, nature at it's best. Occasionally I've knitted in public but here in the UK it's not commonly done so you do get a lot of strange looks.

  4. I bring cross stitch to appointments so I don't have to wait doing nothing. I would love to bring my stitch to the Florida basketball games but we are not allowed in with anything. This time they had detecting machines up and searched everyone. It really slowed things down. I can just imagine what it will be like when conference play starts and it is filled to capacity . The blue on the Stellar Jay is magnificent. What a beauty! RJ

  5. Yep--that last photo says it all--like who are lady and what are you doing taking my photo--go away!!!!!!!!!!!!
    cute cross stitch--
    enjoy the moments, di

  6. Beautiful stitch. I don't often take my cross stitch out, but I certainly have taken crochet projects w/me. 😀
    Live, love, love the beautiful blue jaybird. Awesome!

  7. Congratulations on finishing that lovely fall piece - so pretty!

    I used to stitch at winter swim meets (club, not school), which are interminable!

  8. I'm partial to anything Autumn as its my favorite season, so I especially love this stitch!
    The stellar jay is magnificent, the blue jays here are beautiful but very pushy at the feeder.

    I always have a stitching project with me, and it is a conversation starter which I enjoy.

  9. That is a cute piece...(who would believe that little patch is so MANY stitches??!! insane...)I look forward to seeing the finish. The Stellar Jay's last picture is terrific--looks so fierce! Your caption is perfect! Hugs!

  10. That steller jay is a beautiful shade of blue! Your cornfield is very pretty! I always stitch on planes. I try to plan to have an area of one color to work on.


  11. Love the Autumn stitch, also your header .
    Thank you for sharing such wonderful phots.


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