Saturday, November 18, 2017

Saturday's Critters

Colder weather, shorter, darker days have made for some changes.

I am seeing far fewer chipmunks.

Generally just one hanging out.

Chipmunks hibernate in the winter, but do not sleep the entire time.  They wake up every few days, raise their body temperatures then eat from their stored caches, empty their bladders etc. Maybe even explore a bit, then return to sleeping for a few days.  

Not seeing much of David or Douglas either.

Have you ever seen a photo of a yelling rabbit?  Now you have. 

This doe was far more interested in Parvati than the attentions of the buck to the left. 

I've discovered that we have two large bucks. 
Buck #1 - note the antler configuration.

Here's Buck #2 - a very different set of antlers - more points.

Same mating drama behavior.

Another handsome lad.

Pouring rain does not appear to bother the deer.  I won't let it bother me either.


  1. What handsome bucks! We have seen 1 huge buck around and I am hoping it gets through hunting season alive. Too funny about the yelling rabbit! Enjoy your day, Beth.

  2. Yes, this season definitely has different critters and birds for us to see. Of course, I do not see any deer where I live, but I am sure they are around, further out... I did not know Chipmunks even hibernate, much less... wake up, then go back! Pretty interesting! Thanks for sharing! Hugs!

  3. I will not be seeing the deer or chippies here. Too busy. Now what was the rabbit yelling about?

  4. That doe is so sweet and look how he has his eyes fixed on Parvati.
    The bucks are beautiful too. I have never heard of a screaming rabbit. RJ

  5. Very handsome bucks. I think maybe the chipmunks have a good idea of how to spend a rainy NW winter!!


  6. Wonderful Photos .
    Whishing you a happy Sunday.

  7. The 10 pointer is beautiful, I hope he survives hunting season. I did not know that about the chipmunks, and had a good laugh over your "yelling" rabbit!


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