Monday, October 2, 2017

And Here it is October...

Garden Grumbles and Cross Stitch Fumbles October 2017 Blog Header

Row #1: Bent Creek, "Hoot"; Val's Stuff, "Whoo Gives a Hoot?".
Row #2: JBW Designs, "Alphabet Owl'.
Row #3: The Prairie Schooler, "Bump in the Night" - "Hoot"; Barbara Ana Designs, "Whoo's There?".

Wow!  It's October already. Our juvenile Great Horned Owl continues to squawk up a storm most nights - the header is a tribute to him.  

It's been a pretty good Woodpecker Week.
Let's take a look.

A small male Downy Woodpecker came by one day.

While Downys are the most common urban woodpecker, I do not see them all that regularly. 

Instead, the larger Hairy Woodpeckers are among my DAily Birds. 

I've been seeing males at the front and back of the house.

The other day I saw two males at the same time.
Bird A at the feeder - small patch of red on head.

Bird B on a nearby tree - a much larger patch of red on his head.

And to mix it up, here's a female Hairy.

I even managed a couple of photos of a Red-breasted Sapsucker.

While it does not come to the feeder, it does like all of the snags we have close to the house.  

Here's two of the Acorn Woodpeckers...

Having a peanut - the white dots are not on the bird - the window is dirty with rain splotches and the like.

And I'll end with a female Orange-shafted Flicker.

She flew in for a drink of water.


  1. Such cute stitching in your new header Beth!! Love today's pictures.

  2. Great header!! We had two great horned owls hanging out for a few weeks, was such a thrill to watch them each day. Nice assortment of woodpeckers you get at your feeders.

  3. LOVE the header! Fantastic bird pics, as always!

  4. I always love to see your new headers!
    Your woodpecker photos are great! I must look in my book and figure out what type of woodpecker we have here. We do have them, but I don't know which one. I am loving my birds-they come and eat all the time! They can really put it away! haha But they are so much fun to watch. I was up this morning at 6am getting their stuff ready for the day!

  5. Love the new header, Beth! Fabulous bird and critter (from previous posts) pictures.

  6. I do love seeing your new header pictures every month.
    Great bird photos too

  7. Great header! Quite a tribute! I have yet to REALLY see an owl of any kind CLEARLY! Or to hear one! I am hoping this fall... Love all the birds you featured! Perhaps this week I will go out to the state park to see how many different woodpeckers I can find. Hugs!

  8. Love the header Beth. Your photos are wonderful. RJ


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