Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Getting There

My Scrub Jay is coming along.  When Beth Twist charted this she named it a Western Scrub Jay.  Within a couple of weeks this species was sub-divided and the birds along the west coast became California Scrub Jays.  I need to rechart it to its new name.  Should be easy as all the letters I need already exist in the three designs with this chart.

While I am seeing Scrub Jays, here are some other's that have been hanging out. 

Far more often I hear a Bewick's Wren and do not see it.
Do you see it on the far right?

We are still seeing very young quail.

This single mother is looking after three babies.

And here's a young Robin.

I continue to have lots and lots of American Goldfinches. Most days it is a toss up as to whether there are more goldfinches or quail.

They are flocking to the feeders. While Goldfinches hang out in very cold places like Maine all winter, in past years they leave my backyard in mid-October.  Will that happen this year?  Stay tuned.

5-6:00pm seems to be Western Tanager Time.

I think I am seeing migrants now stopping off to refuel before continuing their way south.

I am enjoying seeing these transient birds.


  1. I love the new header Beth! The scrub jays are much too pretty for their name.

  2. They are all wonderful! Love your stitching too. Beth Twist's series is just so wonderful -- I'm so glad you are stitching them so I can enjoy them!

  3. Hello. Wonderful serie of birds!

  4. Wonderful scrub jay cross-stitch! And I love the young quail...we haven't seen ours in over a month, maybe a month and a half! :-(

  5. Such a great variety of lovely creatures! I love the babies a lot and your craft of the pretty bird is really awesome!

  6. I truly love this pretty stitch. RJ

  7. LOOK at all those Goldfinches!! Wow! Lucky you, spotting that wren! Nice gatherings! Hugs!


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