Sunday, August 13, 2017

Everyone Else

Since I featured bunnies on Saturday, Sunday is devoted to everyone else.

I came home from vacation to find a pretty healthy hummingbird population.

At least two female Anna's (like this one) and one male Anna's.
Two female Rufous, there may be more - they are challenging to count.

Several chipsters greet me and Parvati each morning.

We also have an infrequent visitor.

A California Ground Squirrel.

This squirrel has a mottled light brown coat with darker spots. 

As the name indicates, he is active on the ground.

I think he is eating dandelion buds. 

I haven't seen any fawns, but a couple of does come by most mornings and evenings.


  1. I miss having a hummingbird feeder and seeing them--even if it was only one!!
    love the other photos--critters are so much fun to watch and ponder on--
    enjoy the moments, di

  2. That ground squirrel is good - looks like an animal we saw in Switzerland called a Marmot - pictures to follow!

    Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

  3. Ahhh.. this is YOUR catching up, and I am just starting to read and catch up! It is always good to come home! Such a lot of hummers... :)


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.