Monday, August 14, 2017

The Littlest Bit of Rain

Design - "Hummingbird"
Chart - "Prairie Birds"
Designer - The Prairie Schooler
Fabric - 32 count Ocean Kissed Wicheltt linen
Fibers - DMC - 2 strands over 2 threads
Started - 5 August 2017
Completed - 8 August 2017 

This stitch makes a really nice moments for my Michigan vacation as I did see both a male and female Ruby-Throated Hummingbird while there.

Sunday dawned cool and gray with the lightest of showers from 7:00am-10:00am.  I think we got about 1/10".  That does not sound like much, but as it has not rained since the beginning of July, we are most grateful. The air has cleared and this weather is much better for battling the many forest fires in our state and throughout the west.

It's time for a Woodpecker Report.   

I was thrilled to have a young Red-breasted Sapsucker come by for a couple of days in a row.

The bird not only posed nicely on a nearby tree...

...but also on our deer fence.

In fact the deer fence seems to meet with woodpecker approval.

I am now seeing a couple of Hairy Woodpeckers once again...

...including this female...

...and this male.

I love to capture birds and blackberries.
Isn't this lovely?

Here's a female and male Flicker.

The Flickers will be pleased with the rain as it has made their poking for ants on the ground a bit easier.

I had a Pileated Woodpecker fly overhead a couple of times this past week, but no photos.  I've seen the Acorn Woodpeckers on and off, but again no photos.  I'll try to do better this week.


  1. Do better? I think you did great, love the flicker photos, they are so beautiful. Well, actually I don't think there is such a thing as an ugly bird! Have a great birding week.
    The cross stitch is really sweet too!

  2. Congratulations on your hummingbird finish! I really do need to pull this chart out and stitch the birds. Maybe in 2018! Super bird pictures you shared, Beth!

  3. Lovely cross stitch piece! And the pics- as always- make my day. The flicker pic would make an excellent cross stitch pattern.
    Wishing you some wet rainy days. We here in SoCal understand that need! 😮

  4. Lovely stitched are fabulous Beth!!

  5. What a delightful finish! I really should stitch this one for my mother who has a soft spot for hummingbirds. And what a great shot of the Flicker with his spot of red. Such handsome birds!


  6. I'm looking forward to seeing your Michigan birding posts! Love the baby quail photo


  7. Yay! You saw a Ruby-throated! I wonder how far I will have to go to see ANY OTHER hummer but that one?! Saw a couple in Maryland this week. Real tiny ones! There have been no reports of Sapsuckers arriving around here yet... but I am looking forward to seeing the Yellow-bellied one that has come to my neighbor's yard previously. Thanks for sharing! Hugs!


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.