Saturday, August 12, 2017

A Day in the Life of Several Bunnies

By 6:30am...7:00am at the latest Parvati is on her ledge overlooking the savanna...and bunnies.

We have an abundance of bunnies...

The baby bunnies are so darned cute.

Yes, you!

This bunny decided to have thistle for breakfast.

A prickly breakfast choice.

This bunny made a better choice...

...a bunny nap.

A very short one.

Back to a thistle breakfast.

Stretching up

Looks like he is smelling the flower.

Scratching an inch.

A bunny nap or dust bath.
Busy bunnies.

After days and days of extreme heat and smoke from forest fires, this weekend the winds are to shift and the temperatures are to moderate.  If that is the case, no one will be happier than me.  I have really resented having to be inside from about 11:00am until 7:00pm. Oregon summers are meant to be spent outside.  


  1. Darling bunnies!🐰🐇
    Glad to hear your temps are cooling off!😀

  2. Your bunny pictures are delightful! Hope you get the expected cooling...

  3. Such cute little guys. Our weather has turned. I actually had to wear a sweat shirt to the farmer's market this am. Thank goodness! I hope the same for you!!

  4. Ahhh--yes a nice bunny 'fix'--love the photos of them stretching up to eat or smell the flowers--
    I see the little bunny today that lives on the bank on the way down to the dock--but he runs so fast from side to the other that I can't get a photo of him--he is darker--almost looks black even that the one I did get a photo of the other day!!!
    enjoy the moments, di

  5. Those are great pictures. Sweet bunnies! Hope that shift comes. I'm a morning/day person so when the weather is good definitely like to enjoy it as much as I can. Suffice it to say, in a desert country, there's nothing enjoyable about summer. :) Happy Sunday!

  6. Fabulous photos they are so glad you shared❤️ Wasn't able to see that this year as I had a Red Fox family so had kits to watch they are cute too & behaviors are so interesting but they take care of all other creatures....Happy Sunday! Wishing you a fantastic week one that is smoke free...

  7. What a cute little flag design. Better weather is forecast for this week-end even a bit of rain, over 50 days with no rain!!We could really use some.


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