Saturday, June 17, 2017

Cute Critters

We've had cool and rainy days for over a week now.
The chipmunks are out in force.

Several of them greet me on the back patio then scamper down to the woodpile to be fed.

Much safer far away from Ms Parvati Patel Hufflepuff!

They've become pretty bold. 

I've managed to pet one or two of them.

Here's a  l o n g  chippy!

And here's a fat chippy!

Everyone is happy.

The brush bunnies have enjoyed eating the bolted spinach that my sister tossed into the compost pile.

They also consume sunflower seeds...

And come down to the woodpile in search of handouts.

I can get pretty close to them too.

"Please sir, may I have some more?"


  1. Such sweet photos of the bunnies and chipmunks! There seems to be an explosion of the chipmunks this year, never saw so many. Enjoy the rest of your weekend. Mary

  2. Oh how sweet!! Do I dare to share this post with Brian and Madeleine? They have gotten to naming the mother rabbit and her bunny who are eating my flowers. They feed them apples, pears and carrots!

  3. Super photos of the brush bunnies and the chipmunks! We don't see many chipmunks around here. Enjoy your weekend, Beth!

  4. Awwww... for me your garden looks like the perfect place to be ! There would be no way to get me out of it hahaha. Thank you so much for all those fluffy-furry pictures !

  5. He's not fat - he's fluffy. ;)

  6. Cute Cute Cute--love little critters--
    enjoy the moments, di

  7. Lots of very cute little critters!

  8. Wonderful post and pictures!

  9. Awww... they are all so darn cute!! Can't believe they occasionally let you pet them! Terrific!


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