Friday, June 16, 2017

Finally Friday

Design - "Sewing Bees" - Thimble Holder
Designer - Schoolroom Samplings
Fabric - 28 count natural linen
Fibers - DMC & Needle Necessities - 2 strands over 2 threads
Started - 23 June 2012
Completed - 23 June 2012

Here's a small blast from the past -  a teeny tiny beeskep with an enormous bee!

Wednesday evening I chanced upon a Willow Flycatcher.

Though the bird never spoke, it did stay put and allow me several photos.

Flycatchers are tricky (difficult) to ID unless they speak.

But this guy was close at hand and with the faint yellow at the edges of the belly, it led me to believe it was a Willow Flycatcher.

As that was a bird I saw all last summer, it makes sense that I would see it again this year.

I have heard it too - but always at a distance.

Normally Flycatchers are perched atop a tree where they sallie out to grab an insect and then return to their perch to search for their next bite.  

This bird was calm and quiet and 'stayed put.'

Thanks bird!

Rainy day after rainy day has made for some semi-miserable birds.
Does this male Acorn Woodpecker look happy?

How about this Band-tailed Pigeon?
I think both birds are looking forward to our improved weekend weather.
What are your plans for the weekend?


  1. Oh I wish we would have some rain. Lucky birds!
    It's going to be over 100's like Sunday 105 yuck. SO that means STITCHING TIME!!! Yep watermelon chillin and lots of fresh fruit & veggies all set. LOL!!! Lovely post Beth!
    love Annette

  2. How sweet! I love that stitch. RJ@stitching friends forever

  3. I love the bee stitch and the willow flycatcher is beautiful. We had a speaker at our camera club last week that took up photography so he could photograph the birds he sees, he has a nice blog called He lives in my town and goes to all the places I go to all the time. Thought you might like to check it out. Mary

  4. Such pretty colors in that flycatcher! I've never seen one before... And I love the bright head of the acorn woodpecker.

    Your cute bee finish looks great with all of those satin stitches :)

  5. Í have been looking for this Schoolroom Samplings design but their name doesn't even shoe up, do you know if they went out of buisiness? And do you know where I can get their designs? I'm all about bees too :)

  6. Such a tiny beeskep--great job! I like the bee!! As for the Willow Flycatcher--congrats, again (maybe?). I was also told you can have a hard time distinguishing them until they sing. We are in between hot and muggy and pouring down rain. Not my favorite weather, but I AM reading blogs, and will soon go stitch! So there's always that positivity!


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.