Sunday, June 18, 2017

Sunday is Humming Along

My hummers haven't been hanging out at the feeders so my photos are few.
Here's a male Anna's.

They have been working the plants in bloom, but are hard to capture.
Female Anna's

My row of orange plants interested this female Rufous Hummingbird. 

As more and more plants come into bloom, I'll see the hummers in the flowers rather than the feeders.

Cuphea is an annual that the hummers love. 

A male Anna's put on quite the display for me.

Scratching an itch.

Sunlight just right... in the shadows.

Not the best photos, but I was happy to see a young male Rufous Hummingbird.

The throat is just beginning to get some color, while the tail feathers are their signature orange. 

I expect he is a newly fledged youngster.


  1. Simply beautiful!

  2. I can't believe how beautiful hummingbirds are ! We don't have those in my country, where we name them "colibris"... The only animal we have that looks "a little bit" like them is a butterfly "moro sphinx" (which nickname is colibri butterfly) - when I was young I was sure they WERE hummingbirds. I was SO deceived when I discovered they aren't, maybe at the age of 10 (at almost the same age I understood dragons didn't exist, and so are the licorns... I was totally depressed, too much for a young girl LOL). By the way I still love those butterflies, and never saw "in true" a hummingbird ! :-)

  3. Great pictures, Beth! Always enjoy seeing your hummers! I don't think I have ever seen a newly fledged youngster. Wow!

  4. Lovely photo's of the Anna's. Such beautiful little creatures.

  5. The hummingbirds are lovely Beth. I remember seeing them in California when I stayed with my friend up in Mt. Shasta. I would sit on her back patio and they would come by to say hello. RJ @ stitching friends forever.

  6. They are the sweetest birds! My grandfather loved them best of all birds.

  7. Yup--summer is officially here, if the hummers have arrived at your house! I saw one when I was out birding one day last week, but it was so quick I didn't even get my camera focused before it was gone! I don't even know what kind it was! Sigh! Thanks for sharing! Hugs!


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