Sunday, February 5, 2017

January's Trail Camera Photos - Camera #2

For the second month in a row we had problems with the camera in the backyard.

It started out okay capturing deer in the twilight...

...and in the morning.

And gave us a nice photo of freshly fallen snow.

More deer...

...including this adorable close-up.

And a pretty snow scene.

Then early on January 7th (around 5am) the camera started taking a photo every five seconds - over 6500 photos until the batteries died. Grrrr.  So we've installed new batteries, looked at all the setting carefully and put the camera out once again.  We will check it every 5 days this month to make sure it is functioning.


  1. Hope it's working for you again. It's always fun to see the wildlife around you.

  2. I hope you can get it going without problems. I love the trail photos.

  3. Thanks for sharing your trail cam photos & I hope the new batteries solve the problem. How long did you have snow on the ground? I'll probably jinx us, but we haven't had snow on the ground since before Christmas, which is fine with me. We've had quite a bit of rain though. Temps around 50 today and we've got rain coming tonight and tomorrow and possibly an inch of snow on Wednesday. A real rollercoaster of weather here this week.


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