Saturday, February 4, 2017

January's Trail Camera Photos - Camera #1

Early in the month we had a pretty good snowfall. 

There were lots of deer out and about.

Groups of two, three and four.

Look closely, this is a young buck.

Even with the creeks flowing, they still use the water we've set out for them.  

A group of four.

Crossing the creek from right to left.

Crossing the creek from left two right.  Can you see both deer?

Now there are three.

We had several photos of bobcats.  But most were very blurry and highly pix-elated.  This one was by far the best.  Beware of the glowing eyes!


  1. Amazing as always! Those glowing eyes...

  2. Oh man. That last picture. Yes, beware alright. I wonder how you walk around at night?!

  3. Your trail photos always fascinate me. Thanks for sharing.

  4. You live in a veritable nature park! Super pix -- I might want to hide out somewhere somehow to actually see that bobcat. I think I've only seen one in the wild in my whole (long) life.

  5. I always enjoy seeing your pictures, but the couple here with the patches of sunlight are just magical!

  6. So glad to see the critters are making it through all this nasty weather.


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.