Monday, February 6, 2017

Holidays Come Holidays Go

Design - "Love"
Designer - Bent Creek
Fabric - 30 count R & R Flax Fields linen
Fibers - GAST - 2 strands over 2 threads
Started - 6 February 1999
Completed - 22 February 1999

Another oldie, but a goody.  I should see about getting this one framed as I quite like it.

First I should probably finish picking up the Christmas decorations before I set out any Valentine ornaments - or so Padma says anyway.  But then he is an orderly and methodical cat.   

So much rain lately.  The hawks sit with their feathers all spread out to dry off and warm up...and watch. There's been plenty to watch.

California Quail

Junco on a fence.

Another Junco


Song Sparrow

Golden-crowned Sparrow having a drink.

Golden-crowned Sparrow in the pucker brush.


  1. Thanks for featuring Love by Bent Creek. This is much prettier all stitched up. Always enjoy your bird pictures along with the trail camera ones, Beth.

  2. Love is precious. And so is Padma! :D

  3. Oh, yes, Love should be framed. Tell Padma it's ok if the holiday decorations overlap a bit; they are color coordinated! Today's birds make me feel that spring is a bit closer than I thought, and that's a very good thing.

  4. That would be so cute all framed up, Beth. I don't know about you, but I am the worst about getting things framed. The joy is in the stitching (or the finishing of smalls :)

  5. I love your stitched finish! Colors are great!
    Kitty wants to check out the back of pretties! Omar has been in so many boxes and bags!
    I love all the birds! They certainly look round!! Cute!

  6. That is a very pretty design so I would definitely frame it. What a cute photo of Padma.

  7. I have that Love chart, somewhere... It is very nice! Your finish brought it back to mind... I did not get it when it was first out... wasn't started on stitching till 2006! I have seen our Dark-eyed Juncos around still...Despite the 75 degree weather today, winter is still lurking! Hugs!


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.