Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Small Delights

Hands on Design - "Love" per designer's blog.

I still haven't stitched this year.  I've decided that I feel overwhelmed by all my WIP's.  So I'm going to ignore them for the moment, and move on a stitch a seasonal small.  Cathy at Hands on Design has generously offered "Love" as a freebie and you can download it here. A wonderful small delight! Baby steps, right?

I think these birds qualify as small delights too.

Monday afternoon I had a mixed flock of chickadees (2 kinds) and a nuthatch at the feeders.

I was not able to get a photo of the nuthatch, but did manage a few of the Black-capped Chickadees.

I think there were at least four Black-capped.

They flit to the feeders one at a time, grab, and seed, and them flit back into the trees and brush for safety to consume their seed.

I was pleased to see a couple of Chestnut-backed Chickadees in the mix as I'd not seen these birds for a couple of weeks. 

They tend to linger at the feeders for a longer period of time than the Black-caps which makes for more photo ops!  

They certainly are adorable little birds. 


  1. Do hope you get your stitching feeling back. I agree that chickadees are adorable. As I told you, I voted for them to be the national bird of Canada.

  2. I have never seen a Chestnut-backed Chickadee before--
    they are so cute--lucky you to have so many pretty birds in your yard--
    thanks for sharing--
    enjoy the moments, di

  3. Yes, those little birds to bring lots of delight to me. Now about your stitching, I would definitely do something that excites you. Forget the WIPS for now. They won't go away and when you are in the mood, you can get to them.

  4. Always love the chickadees - the look so sweet. The first picture of the black-capped one is quietly beautiful - ought to be framed, or at least on a set of notecards. :)

  5. Man, I LOVE those Chestnut-backed Chickadees--their coloring is spectacular! I have been struggling too, for about three or four months :\ ...so I just do smalls, whatever strikes my fancy. Last night I worked on a larger piece, doing some snow... and tonight I will be frogging it right back out! Back to smalls! Sigh...Thank God we have birding to keep us sane! Nature never fails to cheer us, right? Hugs!


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