Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Weary Wednesday Walk

Tuesday night the temperatures finally warmed up and the rain returned.

The good news is that almost all the snow is gone as well.

The patches that remain are the snow that fell from the roof of the house and shop.

And now that the snow is gone, I noticed this long snaky tunnel in the grass.
Whose work is this do you think? 

It's nice to see the backyard again.
I confess to being weary of winter weather.


  1. Yikers, the snow you have left looks seriously ice-like. We had a tunnel/trail similar to yours a couple winters ago. Turns out it was just a common, everyday vole (of course I'd imagined something much more attractive and photogenic, LOL).

  2. Glad to see your yard is almost a snow free zone!!

  3. I'm with you, so glad to see most the snow gone! it's been hanging around for waaay too long. I can see grass again! yay! :)

  4. I was thinking that was just earth shifting! What do I know! Glad there has been a respite from the snow... I know WE are all satisfied with the one blizzard, and ready for warmer weather!! Hugs!


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