Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Weather Weary

Design - "Snowman Two" - Be Jolly
Chart - Snowman Trilogy
Designer - Val's Stitchin Stuff
Fabric - 28 count Flax linen
Fibers - Crescent Colors and Wildflowers
Started - 17 January 2011
Completed - 22 January 2011

We may start Tuesday with a period of freezing rain...please no! 

Here's the female Hairy Woodpecker.

I'd not seen my Hairy Woodpeckers for a couple of days, so it was good to have both she and the male in the backyard Monday afternoon. 

But right now I think the Red-breasted Sapsucker is the star of the show.

It's tough to top that bright red head.

The bird was working up high in the tree, and allowed me to come right to the base to have a good look.

Normally Sapsuckers are all about small little wells or holes...

...but this one was checking out something much larger.

Did the Sapsucker excavate it or was it someone else's work?

I don't think the bird is willing to say.

I'm just glad he was willing to pose for this series of photos.


The Acorn Woodpeckers are back at the front feeders.
Here's the male...

...and here's the female.

These photos are taken through the dining room window which has gel stickers in an attempt to stop window strikes, so the photos are not as clear as they might otherwise be. 

Here's one of the couple of female Flickers that I see.

She looks as though she is having a good day.  I hope you are too.


  1. Your weather woes seem to be continuing, Beth! Meanwhile--things are warm and green here in PA... very strange!

    As always, I love seeing the Flickers. I only ever saw that one pair at my feeder last month--sure wish they would visit again :)

  2. Hmmm, what an interesting weather pattern you are under! We have rain here at the moment and it is rather foggy out there. I have seen more pairs of cardinals over the last week or so than usual. Stay dry!

  3. We had ice but missed the major storm that others had to endure - thank goodness! Great photos, Beth. I'm sure your birds would enjoy some warmth from the sun as much as you would.

  4. So beautiful! Thanks for the pics!

    San Pedro, CA

  5. So what if the Sapsucker was perusing possible sites for a NEST!!?? Wouldn't that be cool?? Keep an eye out... it could happen! The Yellow-bellied one around here is a male... just going through my pictures, preparing to blog! Love seeing YOUR variety of woodpeckers, as always! Stay warm and dry! Hugs!

  6. *More* freezing rain in your forecast? Oh no! Stay safe....

    The male acorn woodpecker pic made me laugh - he really looks like he's showing off his just-found treasure.

  7. Such great woodpecker photos. I love that little 2011 snowman, very cute. Our weather said Portland was going to get ice again, I sure hope it misses you.


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