Thursday, January 19, 2017

Small Things

Here's the smallest of starts...from clear back in December. It's a reindeer a and a cardinal.  I'm hoping that posing it will 'encourage' me to start stitching again. 

It's hard to stay glum watching this Junco.  

The bird was waiting for the woodpeckers to leave the feeders.

I told him there was nothing I could do and to be patient.

I'm not sure that he believed me.


  1. You'll get there! I managed a few stitches yesterday, only to find out I have to frog half the piece cause I made one error that carried over...and over... and over! It's either frog or do a 'shirlee'... We shall see! Today it is Day Seven for the Yellow-throated Warbler! At least I have that! And you have your magnificent property and all the wildlife there! Big Hugs!

  2. Looking forward to seeing more of your project; lovely colors! Your bird pictures are always enjoyable to see, Beth.

  3. A cardinal, most of a snowflake and a ... swirly something. Looking forward to enlightenment!


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.