Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Here's a Finish

Design - "In All Things Give Thanks"
Designer - Lizzie Kate
Fabric - 28 count natural brown linen
Fibers - GAST - 2 strands over 2 threads
Started - 19 November 2016
Completed -5 December 2016

I changed the color of the pumpkin from copper to pumpkin!  And through an error I reversed the two greens in the checkerboard.  Nonetheless I'm very please with this stitch.  I found the sentiment to be a therapeutic reminder post-election of all that I still have to be thankful for - including all the loyal readers of this blog!

I'm also thanks for my large covey of quail.  I sure enjoy watching this group of birds.

Each morning they fly in and gather in the backyard.

Some mornings a small group perches atop the deer fence. 

A trio of 'percherons'! 

They get pretty puffy in cold weather.

Tuesday night / Wednesday morning our low is to be around 20-25. I'll share some frosty photos if the weather event happens.


  1. Very pretty stitching. The quail are so cute with that little tuft on the top of their head and their round fluffy bodies.

  2. And a very nice piece to have finished! All your changes look just fine! I am thankful that I have blogging to read and share too! I finally got more recent posts done on my blogs...about time, I know! I sure do love the tufts on the quails' heads! Hugs!

  3. I always love your quail photos. That's a great finish - for any time of year, but especially meaningful right now.

  4. Beautiful finish, and your colors do look great!
    I just love your fluffy quails!!! They almost remind me of a sumo wrestler!
    Too, too sweet!

  5. What a sweet finish. And all those puffy quail look so cute. Stay warm tonight!

  6. That's a lovely stitched piece and I do like the sentiment. I sure hope those quail have a way to keep warm. It is just freezing up here.

  7. Such wise words on your finish, Beth! I like your color changes, too...

    Never get tired of seeing photos of those handsome quail!


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.