Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Wednesday Walk - Snow Delay

We had some snow flurries - I'm a wimp, so no walk.

The snow made for a busy morning at the feeders.

I had several House Finches.

The Black-capped Chickadees were busy too.

I counted four Fox Sparrows - the most I've ever seen.

And yes, the quail were out and about too.

That kind of weather makes the Christmas decorations seem very seasonal.  As you can see, Padma is thrilled to have a tree up in the living room. 


  1. Hope all the birdies keep warm -- and you too!

  2. Wow! Snow! Already... I do recall when it snowed here, lots of visitors to the feeders! Tree looks good so far... Hugs!

  3. I'm so jealous! I love snow - my dog and I take walks in it. :D (But we're huge wimps in the summer. As soon as it gets up in the 80s we're both miserable.)

    Lovely birds and Christmas tree!

  4. haha! Padma is doing what Murphy was doing last night!

  5. Our cat always loved getting under the Christmas tree...or sometimes up inside it! Stay warm!

  6. Padma knows how to celebrate Christmas! I love it when the cats curl up under the three.

  7. The tree looks lovely. I always feel sorry for the birds when it gets this cold. So far, no snow but tomorrow that could change.

  8. What a gorgeous tree! I remember how much my kitty loved sitting under our tree each year :)


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