Monday, December 5, 2016

December Plans

It's the 5th of the month and I haven't yet begun a December themed stitch.  I did pull out a few charts - Santas and reindeer - possibilities.

We've had colder and wetter weather the past couple of days. The woodpeckers have responding by coming to the feeders more frequently.

My best customers are the female Hairy Woodpecker...

...and the male Hairy Woodpecker.

Sunday afternoon I was really pleased to see my Acorn Woodpecker pair out and about.

I only see the female about once a week or so.

Both birds were working away on this Douglas fir tree.

The male also comes and eats from the feeder.  I think he takes most of the food to cache in their granary tree.

Here's a female Flicker.

And a young male Flicker.

I do not know why they are called red-shafted - it should be orange-shafted don't you think?


  1. Wonderful woodpecker photos. We are getting very cold too.

  2. It is rainy and cold today. Woke up feeling heavy-chested, guess asthma season is on again. A good day to get some stitching done! I really like Threadwork Primitive's piece...imho! I have a pair of Downy's visit all throughout the days here. And Sunday I saw a Pine Warbler visiting, AND got pictures! Think I will blog tomorrow. I sometimes wonder about the bird names myself. Ha!

  3. Oooh, I like the Nicky's Creations and the Threadworks Primitives deer pieces. Looking forward to seeing what you pick to stitch.

    (hi, pretty woodpeckers!)


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