Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Tuesday's Birds

I've started stitching Heartstring Samplery's "Swainson's Thrush" and here's my progress.  The thrush is a quietly colored bird in beige and light brown.

The skies and the birds have been quiet lately as well.

I think this is my last photo of a Band-tailed Pigeon for the year.  I've not seen one for two or three days now. They should be headed down to Baja California now.

This bird looks a lot like a Band-tailed, but it's beak is dark and it is smaller.  It's a Eurasian Collard Dove - an invasive species like the Starling. It's a bit larger than the Mourning Dove (which I much prefer to observe!).  

I am still seeing small flocks of Cedar Waxwings.

The groups are of 15-18 birds. 

I just wish they'd come in closer for better photos. 

With the return of rainy days, I am seeing more American Robins.  Early in the morning they have quite a bit to say to one another.


  1. That's a beautiful thrush. Great progress. I love your owl header for October too!

  2. That is going to be such a pretty design. The birds have been very quiet here too. Maybe they sense the colder temps coming soon.

  3. We mostly have the Eurasian collared doves here in Kuwait. But it's the bulbuls and minah birds that I enjoy listening to and viewing the most. :)

  4. Great start on the Swainson's Thrush! Have seen no robins in months... can't figure that one out... No one is reporting seeing them! I thought they were year round residents! I hope we see more Cedar Waxwings this fall... not sure of them tho! I think in a week or so, I will see more birds! Hugs!


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