Monday, October 10, 2016

Animal Encounters

Design - "Owl"

Chart - "Trick or Treat"
Designer - The Prairie Schooler
Fabric - unknown 28 count cream even weave
Started - 5 November 2010
Completed - 7 November 2010 

Sorry, nothing new to show that does not look like a blob, so back to the stitching archives. I think this is the first owl design I ever stitched.

I even found a perfect tuck pillow for it.

We've had some Close Encounters this past week. 

Parvati and a doe had another of their ongoing stand-offs.

The bunnies and the California Quail end up interacting most days.

They get extremely close to one another.

Or are unintentional photo-bombers!

Quail to the left and straight ahead bunny!

"You take the rear bunny, and I'll go in first," says Mr. Quail. 

Looking left and right.

We are a team!


  1. I've lost track Beth, how many cats do you have at present?
    I enjoyed seeing the trail camera footage.

  2. Cute owl stitchery (even if it isn't new). :)

    Your pictures always make me smile - thank you.


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.