Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Owls and Quail

I'm thinking these will be my next two projects. The Bent Creek first, then the JBW Designs owl. I need to find the linen and the threads, but I think I have everything in my stash.

The California Quail seem to have sorted out the deer fence with no issues. I was extremely concerned about them as they are ground birds, but also fly low and extremely fast going between the front and back of the house. 

As you can see, I still have a young chick... 

..or two!

This quail is preening.

She's a fairly young bird.

I often see anywhere from 35-50 birds.  There's a group of 13-15 that are noticeably younger than my other quail. 


  1. I love seeing all the birds and critters you have around your place! I'm also loving your owl stitches too.

  2. That Bent Creek one is going to be really cute!! I love alphabets too, so those are both great choices! Notice the bunny photo-bombing several of your shots? Ha! Cute!

  3. Wow! That is a lot of quail to see at one time, Beth--I always enjoy seeing your photos of them. And you have two cute owls waiting to be stitched--enjoy :)

  4. Your two upcoming owls are really cute!!!
    I just love those round, fluffy quail! That is a large group to see together!

  5. *Love* the pics of the young(?) quail with the bunny!

    Rough at work recently, so thank you for posting you bird pictures - they always bring a smile and lift my spirits.


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