Monday, October 17, 2016

Quiet Birds

Design - "Whoo Gives a Hoot?" (full moon)
Designer - Val's Stuff
Fabric - 28 count Hauted Picture This plus Cashel
Fibers - WDW & DMC - 2 strands over 2 threads
Started - 10 October 2016
Completed - 16 October 2016

Goodness, it took me 1/2 the month to get my first finish. I think this one was worth the wait.  The fabric is wonderful as is the WDW color used for the full moon.  And as we had a Super Moon Saturday night, this is a fitting finish.

The Great Horned Owls are beginning to converse at night.  They are courting and will soon begin nesting.  They raise their young in the winter and young owls do not begin to learn to hunt until late spring / early summer when there are lots of critters to practice upon. 

Most of my feeder birds are Quiet Birds heading into winter.

They don't talk much, and have for the most part lost their vibrant courting colors.

The American Goldfinches are a case in point.

Here's another Quiet Bird.  The Fox Sparrows have returned and they have a recognizable 'click' sound that they make.  No songs this time of year.  

For several years I confused these guys with Song Sparrows, but now I can tell them apart.

I have a couple of White-crowned Sparrows that show up most days.

I think they are pretty easy for a newbie birder to learn to ID.

The Oregon Juncos are slowly returning too.

They are feisty birds, so I rarely see more than two or three at a time.


  1. This year is just wonky! Have not seen very many birds at all! Could be due to all the bad weather we had, ALL YEAR LONG! I love to see your birds to supplement me! First thing I did when I got up today was check for sparrows in the usual spots around here, but.... none. Sigh.

  2. What a cute finish, Beth! With all that solid stitching, it's no wonder that it took a while :) Those Fox Sparrows are a very pretty bird--don't think I've ever seen one around here...

  3. That's a terrific design! Of course, I do love the owls. We her them at night in our woods. I also enjoy seeing all the varieties of sparrows.

  4. Love your owl finish - he's adorable!

  5. There's a lot of stitching in that design! I love the colour of the moon too, so atmospheric with that gorgeous dark fabric. Definitely worth the wait!

  6. Congrats on the cute owl finish! You're making me want to stitch owls! I hope you were able to see the moon Sunday night. It rose about an hour later than I expected here in NE Kansas, but was a beauty! Always enjoy your wildlife pictures!


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